the ‘How To Play Drums’ Training Program

Written by professional drum instructor Adam Randall to provide a complete path of learning drums. Includes six short volumes.

The “How To Play Drums” training program covers all the core drumming skills to help you become proficient at the drumset quickly.  
Engineered by a drum instructor and field tested by real students, this ebook is a condensed path through your basic training as a drummer!


“How To Play Drums: The Ultimate Guide”
eBook (117 pgs)     –   See info and preview below

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Made for beginner to intermediate drummers, this path has everything you need from ‘zero’ to ‘drumming with songs’.

Covers fundamental drumming skills, including technique, timing, rhythms, grooves, coordination, fills, and song structure.

Includes a HUGE variety of grooves, rhythms, and other exercises to keep you entertained.

Contains innovative training methods to launch your skills RAPIDLY!

These Mini eBooks have the same content as the main ebook, but are split up so you can buy them separately.

      v   FREE!   v

Mini eBook #1
“The Drumming
– (17 pgs)

^   FREE!   ^

Mini eBook #2
“Physical Drumming Technique”
– (14 pgs)

Mini eBook #3
“Timing And Rhythms”
– (27 pgs)

Mini eBook #4
“Grooves And Groove Training”
– (31 pgs)

Mini eBook #5
“Fills And 4-Measure Sequences”
– (15 pgs)

Mini eBook #6
“Playing With
– (21 pgs)

Preview Of Book Contents:

Chapter 1 / Mini eBook #1
online drumming 3374The Drumming Path – An overview of the training path for learning drums.   Discusses which skills to develop, equipment you need, how to practice effectively, and where to take your drumming after this program.   Sets you up for total success in your training!
Chapter 2 / Mini eBook #2
Physical Drumming Technique – Teaches you everything drummers need to know about technique, with plenty of illustrations to help you train properly.   Includes posture, equipment setup, stick technique, pedal technique, and drumming workouts. online drumming 2366
Chapter 3 / Mini eBook #3
Timing And Rhythms – Improves your timing and rhythm skills, in the most efficient and complete way possible!   Includes metronome exercises, reading notation, and lots of one-beat and one-measure length rhythms, in all four ‘feels’ of music.

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Chapter 4 / Mini eBook #4
Groove Training – Trains you with all the coordination skills you need for grooves, and more.   Includes four different types of ‘groove training’ exercises:   limb combinations, short groove ‘chunks’, running hi-hat patterns, and open hi-hat patterns.   This will turn you into a groove-playing machine!

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Chapter 5 / Mini eBook #4
Grooves – This section includes the most useful collection of grooves you could start with as a drummer!   It provides the most important grooves you should have, in various styles and all four ‘feels’ of music.   Groove elements are also included, like ghost notes, running hi-hats, quarter-note and offbeat cymbal patterns, half-time patterns, and double-time patterns. online drumming 9331
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Chapter 6 / Mini eBook #5
Fills And Four-Measure Sequences – Perfect training for combining all types of grooves and fills!   The exercises range from easy to difficult, in all four ‘feels’ of music, and will train you perfectly for playing fills in songs.   Begins with basic fill exercises, and then provides different fill-sizes and also a chance to make your own combinations! online drumming 2556
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Chapter 7 / Mini eBook #6
Playing With Songs – Perfect training for playing drums with songs!   Focuses on song structure and uses simplified parts to common songs*, in all four ‘feels’ of music. Trains you to easily play with new music and create great sounding drum parts!
*Songs are not provided as tracks. Only suggested drum parts are provided.
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Results to expect
By the end of this training program you’ll have had lots of fun, built yourself a wide array of skills, learned many tools for drumming improvement, and you’ll have made some serious progress towards your drumming career! online drumming 8880

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More about the “How To Play Drums” program

Here are a few of the strategies for accelerating your training that these ebooks include:

Four common ‘feels’ of music
drum lessons 1002These four ‘feels’ cover almost all existing territory in music.   While most other books in the drumming world provide exercises mostly in the 16th note feel and sometimes include 8th triplets, this program prioritizes covering all four categories of ‘feel’ throughout the book:   16th notes, 8th triplets, 6/8 time, and 16th triplets.   (The exercises and sections in this training program are color coded to distinguish between these feels.)

Important grooves
A beginner or intermediate drummer should be learning all the common grooves that are usually expected of most drummers.   There are grooves in this section in all four common feels and in many styles of music.   These are some of the most important grooves for drummers to know!   They are also fun, practical for real-world settings, and range from easy to difficult.

Coordination training for grooves
Often, method books expect students to build their coordination using challenging grooves.   This is very impractical, because grooves are usually long patterns and your body prefers to build coordination skills in a much simpler way.   Cross-training with the short patterns in this book (coordination ‘rudiments’) is a MUCH FASTER approach to building these skills!   After a few of these exercises, learning new grooves becomes much easier and more fun!


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